
Mr. President –

It has been a while! I have imported the antifa
to Los Angeles – a boring sort, more yarn bombing
than breaking windows. They say “everyday antifascist”
now, to differentiate between the boys in the bloc.
It’s not a scare word, really, not in the way
your fourteen words chill the spine of half of America.
Anyway, I hear you’re on speed for a speedy recovery.
Shoulda had roids on the island, right?
I am reaching deep for compassion these days.
“My brother Trump,” Cornell West said,
and we must heed the truth that no person is otherable.
Your actions, mercy me, are terrible.
But you are a sad old human who forgot
(or never learned)
how to learn. Been there. Hated it.
It’s 100 days away now, either the end
or the halfway line. Amazing to think.